Thursday, July 31, 2008

Baby Boomer Women...Don't You Love Something For Free?

Don't you just love when you can get something of real value for free? I do! I am so excited to offer to my readers the chance to participate in one of the leading forums and websites for baby boomer women. I am a member and participate in the forums and I love it!

You can receive a FREE membership to the National Association of Baby Boomer Women! The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.
This is a $75 value!

All you need to do is be one of the first 10 women to order one of our awesome wicking nightgowns or pajama sets, at
Lunar Radiance, in the month of August. That's it!! I will contact Dotsie Bregel, the founder of NABBW and she will take care of the rest!

There are lots of perks to being a member of the NABBW

Two FREE magazines for one year: One year subscription to me* magazine and Grand magazine. me* is for those of us over age 40 who may not be a size two with a picture perfect life! Grand is the premiere magazine for grandparents.

Access to the NABBW Resource Center packed with Tele-Conferences to keep you informed on the latest personal and professional issues pertaining to baby boomer women. You can listen to them live, while online, or print them and read at your convenience.

MEMBER DISCOUNTS on goods and services, including:30% OFF natural skin care and beauty products, 20% off silver jewelry, 15% OFF, 20% DISCOUNTED Web Design by NABBW's Web designer, discounts with the largest cruise retailer, Cruise One.

Total access and participation in the forums at Boomer Women Speak

Click the NABBW Link to Get More Info About the Association Now!

Click Here to Visit Lunar Radiance

Monday, July 28, 2008

I Just Love Blogging

I have so enjoyed blogging Hot Flashing Thoughts, that in addition I have started a new blog entitled Not Fit to Pick. The idea was actually sparked by a friend of mine who is going through the aftermath of a divorce. This has been quite a reflective time for her and we have had many conversations about relationships, past and present and the lessons we have learned. We were talking about how valuable it is when we as women share those relections and lessons with each other. is a blog that does that. It isn't about man bashing it's about sharing what we have learned. Women have so much to share and so many ways to help and support each other.

Hope you get some time to give it a look. Maybe you have a story or two and some lessons to share! Not Fit to Pick Make sure to check out both pages!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Would You Do Differently?

How many times have you said or thought "If only I knew then what I know now?" With my impending empty nest, I have been thrown into a bit of reflection. I suppose that this is a common occurence for many baby boomers as they face a change in circumstance.

If you did have the benefit of all of the wordly wisdom you have accumulated over the last 20 or so years, what if anything would you do differently?

**Ditch those painful relationships sooner than you did?
**Choose a different career?
**Foster better relationships with your parents?
**Prepare more for retirement?
**Have more children?
**Get a degree or some form of higher education?
**Save more?
**Spend more?
**Have more fun?
**Move to a different city?
**Get divorced?
**Stay married?

Or....maybe you wouldn't change anything. Maybe we are the wonderful people we are today because we are the sum and total of all of our experiences both good and bad. What do you think?

Stumble Upon Toolbar

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Menopause and Insomnia - What About Melatonin?

After I had children I thought that I would never sleep through the night again. There was a brief respite between the ages of 5 and 16, but then the kids started driving and sleepless nights started again.

Now, it's perimenopause/menopause and a night of solid, blissful sleep alludes me. Frequently women in transition awake several times a night. We can thank our ovaries for that. They stop producing as much estrogen as they used to and we are thrown into hormonal swings that can make us want to howl like coyotes during the day, and leave us watching the clock in the middle of the night.

Melatonin is another issue. It is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland that promotes sleep. The pineal gland turns off during the day when it is light, and turns on at night. Melatonin is produced in greater levels when we are young, but production slows down as we age. It is thought that this may be another reason why we have difficulty sleeping as we get older.

Synthetic melatonin is produced, but because it is not categorized as a drug, it does not need FDA approval. In addition, studies concerning the effects and benefits of synthetic melatonin are somewhat inconclusive. Personally, I am always hesitant about taking any type of medication or supplements. So, I am seeking feedback for myself and for others who may be thinking about this.

If you have tried melatonin, what have been your experiences? Have you used it occasionally or on a regular basis? Any side effects? Did it work?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Thing to Make Life Easier for the Baby Boomer Woman!

Women are busy, and the real deal is we do most of the shopping, especially when it comes to buying greeting cards and invitations. Wouldn't it be great to have greeting cards right at your finger tips? What an awesome idea and way to save time and gas money!

Greeting Card Universe provides the largest, most unique and varied selection of greeting cards from a multitude of talented artists. Here you will find cards that you never would see at a store on every topic imaginable! Buy in bulk or one at a time. They will even mail them for you! Just click on the little cart below and explore the multitudes. Warning!!! Give yourself some time.....there are so many from which to choose!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How Are Hot Flashes Like Volcanic Eruptions?

It starts deep within the becomes so hot that some of the rocks begin to melt and become a liquid commonly known as magma. The pressure builds and eventually some of the magma forces its way to the surface and presto.....the lava spills and a volcanic erruption occurs!

Why the mini earth science lesson? Well, while trying to describe to my husband what I was feeling on a much more regular basis than ever before, this was the only analogy that I could come up with. "She's gonna blow," is becoming a common refrain in my house. I feel like a volcano!

Some volcanic eruptions are explosive and some are not.....just like my hot flashes. Sometimes I just heat up and become uncomfortable. Some volcanic eruptions can be dangerous and deadly. Ok...I'm not going to die from my hot flashes, but they sure can be dangerous to those who are around me because I may whack them in the head with whatever is in my hands as I begin to fan myself and mop up my personal lava (sweat).

My volcano tends to lie more dormant during the day and really likes to make an appearance at night. (From what I've read, this is not uncommon.) Why do natural wonders seem more spectacular at night? It is at those times that I am ever so grateful for my wicking sleepwear. At least I don't have to get up and change my clothes and sheets when my lava spills.

The good there really good news? Yes! Unlike volcanic eruptions which can periodically rear their ugly heads for hundreds of years, my hot flashes and night sweats, and those of my fellow baby boomer women, will only hang around for a few! It just feels like forever.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer Vacation

Do you remember the days when you had to write an essay about "My Summer Vacation?" I do and they usually weren't that exciting. Money was scarce for my single mother, but I do remember fondly our trips to Williamsburg and Washington D.C. I didn't fly until I was 14 when we took a trip to visit her friends in Florida. However, times have changed for most baby boomers.

According to a report by AARP, a greater percentage of boomers today have a passport and travel to international destinations. We tend to look for more exotic places to visit and are more adventurous. Gone are the days of waiting for retirement to take a cruise or cross the pond to explore all that Europe has to offer. On my last vacation to Sedona, Arizona, this past fall, my husband, who is 20 years my senior, and I hiked our butts off! We were exhausted at the end of the day, but exhilarated.

So, if you have to write about your summer vacation this year, what will it say? Are you an adventurous boomer, planning something exotic? Or are you planning to stay closer to home (those darned gas prices), make a visit to see family or take short day trips? As for me, I will be staying put, getting my daughter ready to go to college for the first time and saving my pennies to pay for tuition!

Looking for great vacation ideas? Check out Baby Boomer Trips for packages and suggestions.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fast Facts About Menopause

Many baby boomer women are in the transitional life stages of perimenopause and menopause. As they will attest, the physical and emotional changes that come as part of the package can be daunting. When talking with a girlfriend the other day, commiserating about the latest menopausal gifts we had received she asked me if I was itchy. I couldn't believe it, so I did a bit of digging.

Did you know that in addition to night sweats, hot flashes and the other host of glorious symptoms that accompany menopause, itchy skin is now one to add to the list? Hormonal swings, poor diet, dehydration of the skin and even smoking all contribute to the midlife itches. There are some steps we can take to help alleviate itching during menopause. To read more, CLICK HERE.

Finding it hard to concentrate? You're not going crazy. Difficulties with concentration during perimenopause and menopause are quite common. Sometimes you may even feel like you are in a fog. Our old friend estrogen, or should I say less of it, is the culprit. Never fear, there are some simple ways to cope with yet another menopausal nuisance. CLICK HERE to read more.

It goes without saying that symptoms may have other causes, so it is very important to always check with a physician to make sure there are no other underlying reasons for your symptoms.